Deirdre Urrea, LMT

In a disordered mind, 

As in a disordered body,

Soundness of health is impossible. 




Deirdre Urrea, LMT, BCTMB

Licensed Massage Therapist


Think of massage as a tool in your arsenal - a tool that combats stress. Research is showing massage as effective for pain management. The typical pain management tool box in the west contains quite a lot of pills, with varying side effects. Massage, while it may not be able to permanently relieve all pain, will usually be able to give prolonged pain relief- with very good side effects. Structurally focused massage has flown n the face of the conventional western system, in that we do see patterns of unbalanced posture contributing to pain. We approach these problems, in what seems to western norms, just plain odd. We don't chase pain. Yes, there is pain in your back, your neck. Yes you have trigger points in your shoulders. Why? Our burning question is that why. You can either keep getting these treatments year after year, or get to the root of the problem and get permanent relief. It's all in the approach. The body we see today is not the body of 20 years ago, no matter the age. Desk posture, and prolonged sitting syndromes, text neck, dormant butt, and now 'dead' butt syndromes all present new issues, which feel like the old pains. Its unfortunate when clients come to us, having many years of massage, who want us to work in a certain way. With all due respect, you don't expect your mechanic to work on your new car as if it were an old model vehicle. To be affective, one had to keep up with today's human condition. Your personal condition, which everyday life creates.

Chasing the pain must become a thing of the past. Some older treatment protocols are actually now leading you into further pain. How so? Your back and shoulders hurt ALL the time! So you go in and request work on the painful areas. Ferret out the 'knots', stretch the tight areas. Am I right? .let's spouse the back isn't the problem, but it's reacting to a pull from elsewhere. Let's say you're chest is tight from constant computer work, and sitting. (Driving almost counts double!) If the front is pulling you forward, abs you continually loosen the back- you're probably working yourself into pain, as the back arches unnaturally. Look around you, the .widow's hump' is no longer confined too old age... It's starting at preteen level. Take 'honest' selfies. (Front, back, and both sides.) See what your body is really doing, how it's really been pulled away from neutral. Then find someone who understands structure, and its role in pain generation. Then, your relaxation times well last even longer.


I am at this time working towards transitioning away from traditional western relaxation massage, I'm moving towards more pain management and structural work along with Thai Medical Massage. Relaxation massage has it's place, managing even low level pain will make it easier for the body to find that place of peace, and rest.



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